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Java.lang Package Course Details


Batch Date: Daily New Batch @ Any Time

Faculty: Mr. Durga

Duration: 2 days workshop  (1 to 1 Videos Sessions)            

Location : Marthahalli, Bangalore.

Venue :
#8, Kriti Building,Behind Staples show room,
SGR Dental college road,
Phone Number: 9686031777, 7204746644






Wrapper Classes


After Completion This WrokShop You Can Answer All The Below Questions:

1) What is your favorite package?

2) What is your favorite class?

3) When ever we are printing object reference which method will be execute?

4) In Object class how the toString () method is implemented?

5) Purpose of toString () method?

6) What is hashCode of an object? Where it will be useful?

7) Is it possible to override hashCode () method in our class?

8) Relation b/w toString () and hashCode ()?

9) Does hashCode represent address of an object?

10) What is the purpose of equals () method?

11) In object class how equals () is implemented?

12) Is it possible to override equals ()?

13) Relations b/w == operator and equals ()?

14) Difference b/w == and equals ()?

15) What is contract b/w equals () and hashCode ()?

16) In which case we can override equals ()?

17) When ever we are overriding equals () which method we have to override?

18) What is cloning? How we can perform cloning?

19) What is cloneable interface?

20) Proper way of overriding hashCode ()?

21) In which case we can override equals ()?

22) Difference b/w deepcloning and shallowcloning?

22) In your previous project where you used the following method toString (), hashCode (), equals (), clone ()?

23) What are various methods present in java.lang.Object ?